Deploy multi-container apps in Azure web app
Pode | PowerShell | PSHTML | Azure Web App
Cooking is my hobby, and I am interested in learning technologies. I am a great fan of Azure, PowerShell, Web-Framework, Serverless, DevOps, and Cloud Automation. Yes, I have no experience in developing web apps / glossy web pages for production use. But, nothing stopped me from building one for my learning. This blog post walks you through the steps to deploy a multi-container apps in the Azure web app. Yes, let’s make a static site for cooking. (Just a simple demo with no features / functional site)
In my future blogs, I continue to write about multi-container and enhance the site with additional features like
- Improvise the look & feel
- Adding database
- Improve the performance
- Follow Docker’s best practices.
And much more…
- Build two applications (REST API & Web Application)
- Dockerize the REST API & Web App.
- Deploy the multi-containers in the Azure web application using Docker-Compose
We build a site with a drop-down field, and its values are the output of the REST API (another container).
Why multi-container apps?
In my previous blog posts, a single container is in use for the demo. Using a multi-container, we can solve a few challenges. We build an API for the food menu and consume that in a web application for our demo. So, API and APP reside in two different containers. The advantages of it are as follows
- Scale the containers independently.
- Provide API for other teams with no higher loads on applications.
- Update the versions and maintain isolation.
- For a while, let’s don’t think about the networking core concepts. Docker-Compose handles it. If two containers are in the same network, they can communicate with each other.
Project Folder Structure
┣ 📂application
┃ ┣ 📂views
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜index.ps1
┃ ┣ 📜app.ps1
┃ ┗ 📜Dockerfile
┣ 📂products
┃ ┣ 📂routes
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜food-menu.ps1
┃ ┣ 📜Dockerfile
┃ ┗ 📜server.ps1
┣ 📜docker-compose.yml
┗ 📜
Application (Web Server)
Home Page (application/views/index.ps1)
function CustomCard {
Param (
Div -Class 'cell-lg-4' -Content {
Div -Class 'price-item text-center bg-white win-shadow' -Content {
Div -Class 'price-item-header p-6' -Content {
Div -Class 'img-container rounded' -Content {
img -src $($ImageSrc)
Div -Class 'image-overlay op-green'
return html -Content {
head -Content {
Title -Content "Az Container Apps | Home"
Link -href "" -rel "stylesheet"
script -src ""
body -Content {
(1..3).ForEach({ br })
Div -Class 'container' -Content {
h3 -Class 'Secondary fg-lightRed' -Content 'Colors of Cuisine...' -Style 'text-align:center'
Div -Class 'row flex-align-center rounded' -Content {
CustomCard -ImageSrc $($_)
h3 -Class 'Secondary fg-lightRed' -Content $('Food Menu') -Style 'text-align:center'
$items = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'http://colors-of-cuisine:3000/food-menu'
selecttag -Content {
foreach($Item in $Items.items) {
option -Content $
} -name 'reason'
Application (application/app.ps1)
Start-PodeServer {
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 80 -Protocol Http
Set-PodeViewEngine -Type PSHTML -Extension PS1 -ScriptBlock {
param($path, $data)
return (. $path $data)
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/index' -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeViewResponse -Path "index.ps1"
Dockerize (Dockerfile)
WORKDIR /usr/src/app/
COPY . .
RUN pwsh -c "Install-Module 'Pode' , 'PSHTML' -Force -AllowClobber"
CMD [ "pwsh", "-c", "cd /usr/src/app; ./app.ps1" ]
REST Application (REST API Server)
Route (products/routes/food-menu.ps1)
items = @(
name = 'Idly + Chutney'
name = 'Dosae + Chicken Curry'
name = 'Idly + Lamb Curry'
App (products/app.ps1)
Start-PodeServer {
Add-PodeEndpoint -Address * -Port 3000 -Protocol Http
Add-PodeRoute -Method Get -Path '/food-menu' -ScriptBlock {
Write-PodeJsonResponse -Value $( & .\routes\food-menu.ps1)
Dockerize (Dockerfile)
WORKDIR /usr/src/server/
COPY . .
RUN pwsh -c "Install-Module 'Pode' -Force -AllowClobber"
CMD [ "pwsh", "-c", "cd /usr/src/server; ./server.ps1" ]
Get on Action
Awesome, you have a PowerShell web-application up & running in Azure webn app as a Docker container. There are lot more coming up in future, please feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel - iAutomate and follow me on twitter ChendrayanV
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