
Chendrayan Venkatesan


Logging Service Now Requests using Event Grid Trigger

Azure Functions | Event Grid Trigger

Chendrayan Venkatesan

2-Minute Read


A colleague of mine asked a solution for raising a service request in SNOW (Service Now) for each NSG rule creation and deletion. I requested to develop a service now catalog and allow the system to work with NSG. That means, from SNOW to Azure connectivity through REST API. However, the ask is the other way around. If a user creates/deletes the NSG rule in the portal, log a REQ with the minimum information

Chendrayan Venkatesan

3-Minute Read


I was developing a PowerShell script to send Azure inventory through email, which generates a Word output with charts and tables. So, I thought of using Open XML, I used for SharePoint document library reporting (A few years ago), I searched GitHub and found a great PowerShell module PSWriteWord, and docs are super cool. Yes, this blog post is to show you the simple steps to generate a word document through Azure DevOps pipeline.

Chendrayan Venkatesan

3-Minute Read


Of late, I got a requirement to start the Azure runbooks programmatically (start a runbook through another runbook), and as a PowerShell fan, I said, “Start-AzAutomationAccountRunBook” is one best way to achieve it. An hour later, I got a call to build a script that waits until the job completes and gets the output. Here is a quick way “-Wait” parameter. Solved the issue? Yes! Now, it’s time for us to deliver a REST API endpoint, which is required to invoke in an Azure Pipeline for the business…

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