
Chendrayan Venkatesan


Chendrayan Venkatesan

3-Minute Read


The tile may hit a question WHY? Because automation accounts and runbooks are almost outdated in 2021. Most prefer to use alternative solutions like Logic Apps, Function App Power Automate, or others. Hang On! Runbooks are still in use. Of late, I got a requirement to send a report on runbooks that got invoked in the last one hour.

Using Azure Monitor Workbook at the workplace - Part 1

Part 1 .... | Azure Monitor Workbook

Chendrayan Venkatesan

3-Minute Read

Azure Monitor Workbook is one of my favorite services in Azure Cloud. Why? I use to share scripts/queries with the operations team for reportings. During audits, I get more development works. So, I thought of using the Azure Monitor workbooks to serve the purpose. Indeed, the queries I built is tailor-made for my environment. However, through this blog post, I can share the nuances and some ready to use solutions.

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