Collection of Azure Resource Graph Query
Azure Resource Graph | PowerShell
This blog post is to share the Azure Resource Graph query I developed at my workplace. I have used this with PowerShell and Azure Monitor.
Azure Virtual Machines PowerState Report
$Query = "Resources
| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualMachines'
| project id, VMName = tostring(name), Location = tostring(location),
ResourceGroup = tostring(resourceGroup),
SubscriptionId = tostring(subscriptionId),
OSType = tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType),
PowerState = iff(
properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code, '/'
) != '', tostring(split(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code, '/')[1]), 'transitioning'
$PageSize = 1000
$Iteration = 0
$SearchParams = @{
Query = $($Query)
First = $PageSize
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$Results = @()
do {
$Iteration += 1
$PageResults = Search-AzGraph @searchParams -Verbose
$SearchParams.Skip += $pageResults.Count
} while ($PageResults.Count -eq $PageSize)
Azure Virtual Machines (Summarized Reports)
Count By Location
Search-AzGraph -Query "where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | summarize count() by location"
Count By OS Type
Search-AzGraph -Query "where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | project id, osType= tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType) |summarize count() by osType"
Count By Resource Group
Search-AzGraph -Query "where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | summarize count() by resourceGroup"
Count By Power State
Search-AzGraph -Query "where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines'
| project id, powerState = tostring(split(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.code, '/')[1])
| summarize count() by powerState"
Azure Virtual Machines Backup Report
$Query = "RecoveryServicesResources
| where type =~ 'microsoft.recoveryservices/vaults/backupfabrics/protectioncontainers/protecteditems'
| where properties.backupManagementType =~ 'AzureIaasVM'
| project id, SubscriptionId = subscriptionId, VMName = tostring(properties.friendlyName),
LastRecoveryPoint = tostring(properties.lastRecoveryPoint),
PolicyName = tostring(properties.policyName),
ProtectionStatus = tostring(properties.protectionStatus),
CurrentProtectionState = tostring(properties.currentProtectionState),
BackupId = tostring(,
IsBackedUp = isnotempty(id),
recoveryServiceVault = split(id, '/')[8]"
$PageSize = 1000
$Iteration = 0
$SearchParams = @{
Query = $($Query)
First = $PageSize
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$RecoveryServicesResources = @()
do {
$Iteration += 1
$PageResults = Search-AzGraph @SearchParams -Verbose
$SearchParams.Skip += $PageResults.Count
} while ($PageResults.Count -eq $PageSize)
Nothing yet.